Home Digital Health & Wellness Airthings View Plus Gives Whole-Home Air Breakdown

Airthings View Plus Gives Whole-Home Air Breakdown

Airthings View Plus

Creating a healthier home starts with understanding what’s going on in the atmosphere; otherwise, you’ll just end up throwing money at products you may not need – or worse – ignoring problems you didn’t even know you had. That’s where Airthings comes in. Airthings’ award-winning products help homeowners and businesses make sense of their indoor air quality, arming them with the knowledge they need to take action in changing it.

The latest in the Airthings product lineup, View Plus, delivers on that promise by providing a detailed analysis of its surroundings. View Plus is battery-operated and WiFi-enabled and can be used in both residential and commercial settings. Users get a detailed report of a room’s PM, radon, CO2, humidity, airborne chemicals (VOC), temperature, air pressure, and outdoor air quality. View Plus for Business also includes a light and noise sensor, occupancy data, and the Virus Risk Indicator. The View Plus displays this comprehensive list in a way that is easy to understand and customizable to a user’s preferences.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen the levels of awareness about air quality increase dramatically,” says Oyvind Birkenes, CEO of Airthings. “We decided to develop View Plus to help people everywhere understand that they have more control over their air quality than they might think. Our mission at Airthings has always been to educate people and foster constructive conversation about how air quality can impact their health and daily lives. With View Plus, we can empower people and businesses to learn about the air quality in their homes, schools, offices, or even their favorite restaurants, in a way that is constructive and easy to understand.”

View Plus blends seamlessly into any home or business both in terms of its sleek, minimalist design and its ability to connect with a variety of smart home systems using IFTTT, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. View Plus also has a built-in Hub functionality to bring the device and other Airthings products online. Users can log into the Airthings Dashboard to access in-depth information on what’s in the air or open the Airthings app for a similar experience. A more simplified air-check can also be done by simply waving a hand in front of the device to see a quick green, yellow, or red score. A yellow or red color should urge users to take a look a closer look as to what is going on in the air by logging into the Airthings dashboard or app.

The Airthings View Plus is available for pre-order now for 10% off of its standard $299 pricing. Products will begin shipping out in June.